What We Believe

What The Grove Church believes about God, the Bible, and the Church

Our Beliefs

Here is a quick overview of what we believe.

WHo is God?

• God is beyond our ability to imagine but he has graciously made himself known to us.

• Jesus Christ is God in human form.

• Through his Holy Spirit, God indwells and guides Christ’s followers.

How Do I Find God?

• People are important to God.

• God’s forgiveness through Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with God.

• Obedience and trust are how we grow in our relationship with God.

What is life about?

• We are most fulfilled when we are closest to God.

The Bible reveals to us God’s will and ways and is His perfect manual for the best life.

Nothing in reality just happens; God made and guides it all.

God allows evil to provide us with a choice of trust.

God can bring good out of evil events.

God promises victory over evil to those who choose him.

God’s people serve others, just like Jesus did.

What happens after death?

Heaven and Hell are real places.

Death is a beginning, not the end.

Everyone will be judged by God's standard.

You can also check out a detailed statement of our beliefs.

Got questions?

Have a question about what we believe at The Grove? Contact us to get in touch with a person on our lead team.